Went to Oxford this weekend and what a lovely place it is.
I met Tracey and Megan at the train station at 9:20am to catch our train. I went to get subway for breakfast, but that was a mistake and a half. Its not the menu we are blessed with in Australia and the person serving me couldn't understand me, so double trouble. But I got a sub, not eating subway again here. And went to the train station to buy my ticket. Bought the ticket walked down to the station and no Tracey and Megan. Train arrives, still no Tracey and Megan, then they come bolting down the stairs, thinking they see me I too hopped on the train. Photo - Vic outside Ahsmolean Museum.

So I walked forward to their seats and they look at me in astonishment, as they were waiting for me beside the ticket machines and we all missed eachother, they had thought I missed the train. But ... alas we alll got on the train. The trip to Oxford is lovely in itself, lovely rolling hills and quaint little houses and BIG HUGE almost castles of houses.
Got to Oxford at 11:30am, longer trip than usual because of rail works, went into the town centre and got a map. It was time for morning tea, so we found this lovely bar, which had jazz music and very cushy seats. Nice after a long train ride. Photo - Christ Church College.
Then off to the streets of Oxford, saw a beautiful church of Mary Magadeline, then found a museum called the Ahsmolean Museum - which had marble statues of greek gods, eygiptian artifacts including tombs with the muffied corpses, they even had the canopic jars (which were the jars which contained their oragans - like the ones the guys in the movie the Mummy steal and get killed for) But these ones were better. Also in this museum

there was a Stradivarius violin, a collection of famous rings and gravy boats (that I thought was funny). But time was of the essence and after an hour of just being in the Egyptian Artifacts, I quickly ran around and saw the rest and then it was time to continue on. Photo - Top of a Church.
During the day we saw several outstanding buildings, which I cannot remember all of the names for, but the photos I have are of the Christ

Church College, where ... I went to walk in and got challenged by a small gentleman in a bowlers hat asking me for my university badge, I didn't get in. And then we were walking towards a buidling which I saw its top from afar and we happened upon a church which had an orchestra rehearsing, we sat and listened to this for about 20mins, then walked out the back found my building which is called Radcliffe Square, and inside it was a study hall, but this building is also used as a ceremonial area for the council etc. Then up the path we found the Bridge of Sighs (actually called Hertford Bridge) - which the original is in Italy, but is called the Bridge of Sighs as it looks like the one in Venice. Photo - Bridge of Sighs.

Then off to the bookstore, called Blackwells, which ... as they have a photo on the wall about it, I found out President Clinton visted whilst he was in Oxford. Here we originally went to use the loo, but then being distracted by books we had a look. And whilst up in the second hand section, looking for books in general, I had an excellent thought of a souvenir for myself, something that I have wanted for myself for a while.

So what did I buy you might ask ... I bought an Oxford Dictionary! Which I proudly now can boast that it was bought in Oxford, when anyone asks to use it, so scrabble here I come. Photo - Radcliffe Square.
Then after that, off to the pub we went where we had a nice drink to cap off the day. Then back on the train to Ealing Broadway where I stayed for the night. And that was Oxford. Photo - Streets of Oxford.