Where to start on a fabulous trip ...
Obviously from the beginning, but there is just so much to say.
Sat April 7 - after waking up to a great start I realised I was very excited as I left the house at 9am, then walked around in my station for ages trying to think of a way that I can download my photos before I go ... solution, after much deliberation, photo shop across road, so yup ready to

go. Damn it ... walk past blockbuster and need to return DVD. Walk back home ... go home, decide to take my time and watch TV etc. Leave home with DVD, walk halfway to station, damn it, left sunnies at home. Walk back home. In the end I met Alex at the Airport on time at the Kuwait Airlines checkin desk at 12. All checked in, emergency alise an all - and our flight is delayed for 3 hours - tops ... seeings that we were there 3 hours before our original time of departure we were there 6 hours waiting. But all went well and fast and the trip to New York great.

Got into JFK NY and it took about 2 hours to get thru customs - seeings my hands were to dry to take my finger prints and I had to moisturise whilst standing at the customs desk, then I blinked in my mug shot ... and no this is not because I did something wrong, but standard procedure when going into the states now. Made it to shuttle desk, booked a shuttle to our hotel in Central Park West and then we finally got there at

midnight - 5 am London time - we were stuffed, but it worked out pretty well for the jetlag thing, as we slept until 8 ish the next morning and started exploring from there.
Sun Apr 8 - Easter, so I left a tobelerone for Alex at the foot of her bed so the Easter bunny had looked like he came, and we

celebrated by having some for breakfast. Which became our morning ritual for the coming week, wake up eat Tobelerone and set off for the day. Today we learned how to master the subway after a failed attempt to go to a gospel church, we were at 135th street in Harlem and needed to get to Lower Manhatten, so we bought ourselves a Metrocard and we were off. We ended up getting off by chance at the World Trade Centre site so this was our first sight we saw ... its a very errie (can't spell it) sight, as you know what happened there, but now its just a building site. But I have to say to the credit of them, that the photos which are around and the dedications are very respectful, informative and tasteful.

Then we walked from WTC to Battery Park, and froze our butts off in the wind tunnel we were walking in. It was a funny day, rainy, sunny, windy so very funny to think what to do. So we caught the ferry to Ellis and Liberty Island, and as we were too late get booked into the statue we decided to go to Ellis first. Here we did the tour of the Immigration centre - which for someone with family heritage there would be very good, for us it was interesting. And also whilst we were there it started to snow - very weird but not uncommon for April in

NY we were later told. Had some fun on the island video taping ourselves and then off to Liberty Island. Upon reading the wall found that an Anthony Sadler family came into the States, pretty close I think.
Had since found out that since Sept 11 no one is allowed in the statue, and its not a security risk thing. When we got to Liberty Island, we read a sign that said there were free walking tours on the hour. We went and asked the info desk and the guy said you meet him at the flagpole .. now I wanted to

be a smart arse here, as the flagpole is huge and well you just can't miss it. So I sarcastically asked "Wheres the flagpole?" ... and the guy started to explain to me ... bugger, he didn't catch onto Aussie humour and I had to aplogise profusely whilst Alex was having a go at me. Seems that lots of people actually ask that question, and well he just answers all questions no matter how dumb. Damn ...

Our tour guide, who we scored on the island to ourselves as we were the only 2 who showed up for the 3pm free walking tour. So he walked us aorund the island telling us all about the statue and how it came about, it was great ... even though the guy seemed to get a bit lost in his words. Now back to reasons for not being allowed in the statue - they did a safety overhall of New York after Sept 11 and realised that duh, theres only one staircase up and down the statue and it'll be a bit hard to get everyone out in an emergency, and well if you only let 5 - 20 people up at a time, then well, we'll let you keep

her open. They came to the outcome that too many people would be disappointed and therefore now no one gets to go inside, just up to the platform where the statue actually starts. So we didn't go, as we had found out all that we would read inside already.
We returned to mainland Manhatten and made our way to Times Square, which again

I asked for directions (in all seriousness) from a NYPD officer, to have him point behind my back and say .... there. Alex by this time was in hysterics at my mind numbedness, as I was having a pearler of a day. So we got to the centre of it all, and were taking our pictures, and whilst there a man who was doing his daily run decided to grace us with his company. Now he didn't bother us at all in any way, except for the fact the man was wearing a g string leotard - he did a couple of runs by before we decided to leave and go for dinner.
Mon 9 Apr - Alexs Birthday! We took our time getting up that morning and to decide what to do. We made our way to Canal Street Markets - which is a place where the entire street is knock off merchandise. Where you walk along and every second person is saying "Handbag, handbag ... gucci, chole, prada". Where we looked and walked for a very long time and decided to come back on our last day for

the sake of carrying things. So by 1pm we had walked our way along Canal Street to China Town, so we had Chinese for lunch. Then Alex decided that we should do the Empire State Building - this is where I started to go quiet, I was determined to do it, but I tell you I was kinda scared. Made our way to the building where we find that there is a line outside around the corner. I walked inside to ask the security guard where to buy tickets, the guy said right up the escaltor and I asked if the line outside was for the tickets, he said "If you don't see that line, I don't" .... SCORE! So we got to dodge about an hour of waiting, now this is not to say that we still didn't line up, as we did and while waiting we learned that there was an IMAX show and you got a free tshirt, and that the 102nd floor was open for an extra $15 ... I convinced Alex to do the Imax tour and she convinced me to do the

102nd floor. So after a nice investment to the building owners of the building. We did the IMAX (so so) and then off to the 80th floor where we lined up again to get to the lift for the 86th floor. Then after about 1 1/2 hours of waiting we were up the top. And verdict - It was great! Not jitters at all, I loved it and Alex did the audio tour first and then I, and on this we learned about the buidlings around and a little about the Emipre state building itself. Had dinner on the lower end of 5th avenue at a restaurant called DANO, then caught a cab home. FACT - even in 110mph winds the building will not move more than a 1/4 inch either way.

Tues 10 Apr - Alex and I went our seperate ways today, she to Woodbury Common to go to a discount shopping outlet. Myself, I went to 59th Street and started a walking tour of Midtown Manhatten. My first stop Bloomingdales - which is a maze and a half, but an alright store. Then off I went to the Plaza hotel to have my Kevin McAlister moment - which sadly failed, as the hotel is under restoration. So next (and these are all in the same 2 block area) I went to Tiffany's - where I only suffered one jaw dropping moment - for some lovely ruby and diamond earrings. And I saw a giddy couple who were just getting engaged - Tiffany had supplied champange and all - very cute. Then to Trump towers (right next door) ... it was alright but very Donald. Then back from where I came from and to FAO Schwatrz ... Had my BIG moment and played on the huge keyboard and then off I walked to the Waldof Astoria to have a squizz, along the way I discovered that 5th Ave has Tuilips lining their median strips - very nice. Off to the brooklyn bridge where I had my Qantas moment (from the ad a few years ago). Then lunch and I had some time to kill so I got my haircut ... nothing drastic or NYish just a trim. Then off to Central Park where is was a sunny afternoon and I took some arty photos. Then in the evening I took myself to dinner at Tom's Restaurant - where Seinfeld used to eat. A day where I relived a fair few of my favourite New York movie moments.

Wed 11 Apr - We made our way to Rockefeller Centre and decided to go up "The Rock" which is basically another viewing platform, but had better views of Central Park and mid town Manhatten. Which was great, I thought awesome no jitters this time ... until our lift started to go up and woppee the lift has a glass roof and the inside of the shaft is lit up like a disco. But it wasnt' that bad and it was very quick. Then down we went and off to Grand Central Station - a beautiful building with amazing detail, but very lost on the fact that its a train station and people just walk around without a care for its beauty. Then in the afternoon, back to Central Park where we caught a bus to Central Park South and 72nd and walked to see the Bethseda Fountain and Bow bridge and we decided to meander until we were sick of walking, we took ourselves all the way to 86th street. Along the way we saw people playing Baseball, a castle which is now a meterological

centre, had a swing in the park and a photo with a lamppost. Then off to Serendipity 3 (the resturant from the movie) got there and was informed of an hour and a half wait, so what else to do but shop. The closest location - Bloomingdales, where after many different try ons and much convincing from Alex and the shop assistant I bought a lovley sliver and black netted dress. Then back to Serendipty for dinner (Corn Chowder - YUM!) and dessert a frozen hot chocolate (very tasty, but it was all cold).
Thurs 12 Apr - Our final day. Made our way to the Staten Island ferry, the ride was great, but a little disappointing as it was pouring rain and you couldn't really see the sights of the harbour as it was a complete white wash. Then back to Canal Street for shopping, bought shoes, perfume, jewellery and some hats. Then making our way back to hotel we found a nice Thai place for

lunch (well it was 3pm) and then off we went to our hotel and waited for our shuttle bus. Which arrived practically empty - but then we got to zigzag around the streets of new york picking up other people. We finally arrived at JFK after a very bumpy and stomach curdling ride at 7pm. Booked in all ready to go. Fumbled around the airport spending the last couple of USD we had on us, and were really surprised when we looked at the exchange rate of USD to AUD $1.08 amazing!
On the flight home I slept nearly the entire time, and made a fool of myself. As I was acting out my dreams with my hands ..
Had a fabulous time in New York with Alex and some great moments of spazoidisms on my behalf and barry's on Alexs. We realised that we forever had songs in our head and so at random moments we asked what was in our heads - ranged from for me - I still call Aus home, MMMM

bop (Hanson), Jenny from the block, Adams Family, Working girl song (Rivers run) and other werid ones, but it was good. Walked from here to kingdom come, seriously the days after I just didn't go anywhere as my legs were soooo tired and flet like lead. So now, I am back in London and back to work, as I spent up in NY and then mum and dad are arriving in about 4 weeks. So that'll be great so until I next write ... B Bye