Friday May 18 Mum, Dad and I set off for Paris, France on the Eurostar. A very early morning rise we had to get to Waterloo international on time, but we made it with style (15 mins earlier, than we needed to be there).
We ended up getting into Paris at 12 noon, and then a very quick Lunch at McDonalds. Not before we were inundated by these very poor looking, hardly able to walk "Gypsy Women" asking we if speak english and then holding up a sign about their hardships and if we could please spare some change. Funny though, as soon as the police came these women who could hardly walk etc, all ran across the street like there was a fire. Coincidence I think not.
Then off on a bus tour which was provided with our journey. We got driven around Paris and saw; The Palais Garnier, which is the actual Opera House which inspired the Phantom of the Opera Show (it actually has a lake underneath). We also saw, Les Invalides, Napoleans Tomb, where he has his coffin sitting higher than everyone so that when people come to see him they have to look up at him. The "Kissing" Bridge, Notre Dame, Lourve, Effiel Tower and we drove around the Arc De Triomphe (where an accident is said to happen every 8 mins, and if you do have one, you aren't covered by any insurance company in the world), it has 12 lanes coming off it, and the only rules are that you have to give way to people coming onto the round about, no lane markings or anything. Along our travels, we got to see many lovely one fingered people shouting abuse at our bus driver and other cars around them. A cyclist even had the nerve to cut our bus off and still have a go at our bus driver for blasting the horn at her.
Once off the Bus the 3 of us went back to Notre Dame for a look and then off to the Lourve. We had been told then 26's got in for free on Friday's so we investigated, but sadly its under 26 you get in, too old now I am, schucks. So then, back to the hotel for dinner and then sleep for the next day.
We woke early, did breakfast and arrived at the foot of the Effiel tower at 9:25am, and a huge line we encountered. But we started talking to the people in front of us who were a group of 12 - a family from Arizona. So they were our entertainment whilst waiting to go up. We ended up convincing Mum to come the the 3rd level with us, and we were up there by about 11:30am. Looked around for about 20mins and then made our way slowly back through floors 2 and 1. It was 1:30pm by the time we got down, had some lunch and went off to the Arc De Triomphe where we stood underneath it and took photos and then 3 2 1 what happens, a motorcycle runs into the back of a car. They stopped, the cyclist got off the ground looked around whilst the driver looked as well. Then back in the car, stand the bike up and off they went.
That evening we went to Sacre Coeur, a church atop of one of the only hills in Paris. Where we saw the Effiel Tower sparkling in all its glory and watched the sun set at 10pm at night. It was just full of people, all sitting on the steps singing, drinking wine and enjoying the lights of Paris. It was very late by the time we got back to our hotel, but very worth it.
Sunday, saw us up and out of the hotel by 8:30am, at the Lourve by 9:15am and in at the Monna Lisa by 9:40am. A treat, as the Lourve was only just opening so the lines were very short and crowds little to none. I left Mum and Dad in the Great Hall, and went and got the audio tour of the Davinci Code tour of the Lourve. It was brilliant, as it wasn't just all the movie, yes it was themed by the movie, but it was an explaination of all these paintings that I would of just glanced at had I not bought the tour. Mum and Dad looked around the rest of the Lourve whilst I was doing this and then we met up after I finished the audio tour and parted again, where I startedmy National Lampoons Tour of the Lourve. If you've seen the movie they do the lourve in about 15 mins to the song Ca plane pour moi by Plastic Bertrand, so I was singing the song in my head, racing (well ever so elegantly) around the other two alises of the Lourve that I had yet to see, I ran into Mum and Dad once, and they said to go into something, but I was on a mission. No I didn't do it in 15 mins, but I managed to cover 3 floors and 2 wings in about 45 mins. And they said it takes 9 months to see the entire Lourve. But damn my legs were tired afterward.
Then back to the Arc De Triomphe, where we walked down the Champs-Élysées (the road of Diamonds and Rubies, not just because you can buy them there, but at night when you look at the cars their headlights/tailights look like the sparkling gems, no I am not making that up, I am quoting our tour guide) On our day, it was raining and most of the shops were closed as it was a Sunday, but still a lovely day.
Back to our hotel, where we met back with our group. Boarded the bus to get us back to Garde du Nord, where we caught the Eurostar back to London. A fun, yet very busy trip had by all.
And today, Monday, I am at work, I woke at 6:45am and thought I can't be bothered, went back to sleep and my phone rang at 7:35am for work. I accepted a day of exam cover, where I am currently sitting watching students do an exam in a computer room, whilst I tell you all of my trip with my parents in Paris. A pretty nice way to recover from my trip to France.
Overall I did pretty well with the language barrier, I didn't speak Italian when trying to speak French (unlinke my time in Belgium) and my Parlez vous anglais - do you speak english? Did me pretty well.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
To all the soccer balls ...

Yes thats right, I have been travelling along the South West Train line for a good 4 months of my life now and everyday I see a soccer ball or 3. They are all different types, white, red, green, blue, checkered, some still round, others deflated, others faded and others which you could fit in the palm of your hand. But still some poor kid out there is suffering without his soccerball. But then again, sucker shouldn't of been playing so close to the tracks!
No, I have not gone mad, I was just bored and filling my mind in whilst I was coming home this afternoon and so I thought I would share my madness with you. That being the soccerball thing, not anything else you think I am about to share from my werido sense of humour. Sheesh ...
Well, haven't got any exciting London or travelling moments to share at the moment, as I have been laying low since New York (saving up), as Mum and Dad are here on Saturday and it should be great.
What was also great, was seeing my entire Family on Sunday morning, as Carolyn and I figured out how to have a video conference over msn, so we got the whole family in the next time. So I got to see Mum, Dad, Carolyn, Rach, Ben, David, Bradley, Harry and Nan; little challenging at times when all of them were talking and I had to hear it all through the headphones, but I wouldn't of missed it.
So I shall share my mum and dad moments very soon. Till then areverdici!
No, I have not gone mad, I was just bored and filling my mind in whilst I was coming home this afternoon and so I thought I would share my madness with you. That being the soccerball thing, not anything else you think I am about to share from my werido sense of humour. Sheesh ...
Well, haven't got any exciting London or travelling moments to share at the moment, as I have been laying low since New York (saving up), as Mum and Dad are here on Saturday and it should be great.
What was also great, was seeing my entire Family on Sunday morning, as Carolyn and I figured out how to have a video conference over msn, so we got the whole family in the next time. So I got to see Mum, Dad, Carolyn, Rach, Ben, David, Bradley, Harry and Nan; little challenging at times when all of them were talking and I had to hear it all through the headphones, but I wouldn't of missed it.
So I shall share my mum and dad moments very soon. Till then areverdici!
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