Well, its taken me a while to get back here and say what a day I had, as I it took me a while to recover. Kinda ...
The day started as normal, train etc. But it was a lovely day, as it was Australia Day. I wore my Staffroom 4 gift all day - see pic when I put it up, and was walking around school saying HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY to all staff and students included. Even got to have some Tim Tams, yahoo.
Then after school it was off to the pub, we had planned to go to a Bar which was having an offical party, but when I got there the line was around the corner and an hour long to wait. No thanks. So we found an alternative - The Roadhouse ... it was great, good music (Aussie songs till 9pm) and drinks were a bit pricey and the place a bit smoky. Thank goodness for the new aussie smoking laws, yes sad legal studies teacher here, but hey.
Then for some reason I was put in charge of getting us all home sa

fely, so after walking around Leicester Square doing Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi at the top of our lungs we hopped on the train. Got to Earls Court, got the busting Alex to the loo, which she was fascinated by the fact that it washed itself. Then off to Gunnersbury, but not until we watched a guy blow his nose onto the train tracks (really gross) and then also to have me and my loud teacher voice asking whether our train, was actually our train, as it was saying two conflicting things. But hey, had to find out.

Saturday was also a fun filled day, went to Ealing Broadway to meet up with Tracey and Megan, booked my Birthday weekend away to Brussels, Belgium. Then they invited me along to go and see We Will Rock you with them, had to rush to Leicester Square at that moment to go and line up for a ticket, an hour later of being in the line I got my ticket - D 19. Which was only 2 seats away from Tracey and Megan, so therefore I asked the people if I could swap with them, and they did. Worked out very well, the show was great, very quick witted and comical and an excellent use of every possible Queen song.
Saturday night, I went to dinner with Tracey and Megan - and during dinner Rachel Parsons

(from Gang Show) messaged me, she was in the Punch and Judy bar (yes like the puppets) just up the road, so I went and caught a drink with her. But the evening was cut short as I wasn't feeling overly well, suffice to say, I woke up quite sick on Sunday morning (virus sick that is) and spent the day in bed, then Monday went to work and got sent home, and Tuesday I spent at home, though not my home, Alex and Karens, as I didn't have a working Bathroom.
But that is it up till about there, will tell you more about Brussels soon.
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