First off we had the duties of cleaning blah blah blah. At about 6 we all went out to dinner, Pizza. Then we came back to camp and dropped off the people who weren't joining us for the evening. In the end it was just 3 of us, Wave, Volley and I.
The fun began, as we were driving out of camp past one of the hundreds of grave yards which are around this area, and well there was this wrotten smell, so I said ... Well they must of buried a fresh one. It took a couple of seconds but afterward the car was in histerics.
Then off to Walkerton, to Rob's bar, where we walked in at 7:30pm and we were the only 3 in the bar. We stayed for two drinks and then decided to go look for somewhere else. Found a place which had a bit of atmosphere, but still there wasn't that many people there - stayed until 10pm and walked back to Rob's. Got there and started to play some pool. We were at the back of the bar and this guy came up to us looking for the exit ... now the exit is displayed with a brightly illiminated red sign, so I said to the guy in basically the same words were it was ... he took it well. Then about 30mins after, a waitress came up offering us more drinks, but also asked us why we were here and not in Hanover ... as there was a festival in town.
So in a cab we went, but first of all the bar owner was also catchinng a cab to town, so he joined us. And then, the cab driver said he had one more passenger ... Perry, and Wave piped up saying could we go to his door to get him and the cab driver said yeah sure, and Rob the Bar owner said if you do I will buy you all a beer. Incentive aside in we went and knocked on Perry's door and he laughed and off to Hanover we went. Singing camp songs all the way there ... I think we made the cabbies night.
In we went to the Queen's Bush Bar ... more than 3 people this time. And we ended up spending the night with Rob and Perry and are all welcome back at Rob's anytime. Now after a few more drinks and some dirty jokes and fun, we decided to move bars about 1am ... probably our mistake, as we went to one which was absolutley dead and then by the time we got back to the Queens it was shutting up. So we called our lift.
Piled in we went, and stopped at a Red and Wave saw a massive witches hat, which somehow got into the car all by itself. Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Then off to Tim Hortons (the Canadian version of Starbucks, but cheaper and better). Inside we found 4 police officers, enjoying their coffee ... now by this stage it was about 2/3 in the morning and well Wave wanted a photo. She went up to them all innocent saying Hi, I'm from Australia, could we have a photo. By this stage I too joined in, and they were starting to joke around with us. Then I noticed, that one of the officers had a name tag on with only a number on it ... by this stage I thought I was safe to have a dig, so I said to the officer; Were your parents so mean that they only gave you a number instead of a name? The real cracker of it all is that he laughed and immediately went for his wallet, and turns out yup ... his name is a number, his surname
was Twelves ... I kid you not.
By this stage they were warmed up to us, so Wave piped up and asked if they would handcuff us together. They obliged happily and were laughing along, so to thank them, Wave and I sung G'day G'day to them as a thank you.
The ride home from there was uneventful and we got our selves home and in bed by about 4. It was a great evening and we awoke at midday to start camp again in a mere 3 hours, how quickly time can fly when your having fun.
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