Hello there, haven't been here for a little while, have been busy with camp.
In the 4 days I was here, it was all of the directors planning and organising precamp. It was great, we got to know eachother, played in the park a few times, had an awesome dinner at the local pizza shop and got things ready for the staff to come.
This week we have had only the staff here, about 40 of them and we have been doing staff training, team building games and setting up for camp. We all have staff names and there is such a variety, I am Aussie, for obvious reasons, then there is Twitch, Boom, Swing, Bubbles, Angel, Toad, Chatter, Skipper, Oreo, Chef, Ice, Bubblegum, Nutz, Bigfoot, Sunny, Chaos, Bounce, Elmo, Beamer, Baby Cakes and heaps more but that is all I can think of at the moment.
The other Australian and I have been loving using Aussie slang and confusing people left right and centre. Hit the Frog and Toad, Rubbish, Torch, Togs, whats the G.O?, mozzies, bloke ... the list goes on and on, and you don't even realise it, until you get asked to explain yourself.
We got all of the staff to try Vegemite on one of their first nights here, the general reaction was ... Gross, that tastes like cat food. So suffice to say, they didn't like it.
Funniest moment for the week was waking up Monday morning and finding four racoons in our industrial bin, and having to rescue them ... basically putting a ladder into the bin and they climb out (they are pretty smart actually).
Seen lots of animals so far, Ground Hogs, Chipmunks, Deer, 1 Skunk and an Eagle.
Canada is going well and I am enjoying it, campers come this Sunday at 3pm so we will be firing on all cylinders as of July 1 (Canada Day).
Photos soon, I keep forgetting to bring my camera down with me.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
CN Tower ...
I have just come back from going up the worlds tallest viewing platform, and i was alright. It was 447m tall and tiny, but with great veiws. You are meant to be able to see the mist from Niagra Falls there, but sadly no one whilst up there knew where to look whilst I asked, and I looked but couldn't see it ... Damn, will just have to go there.
Went to the glass floor and walked on it, but it scared me, have to say it, but I took a photo of my feet and someone took a photo of me sitting on the glass so I am proud of myself.
Then I went shopping, I bought myself some Red Crocs and am very pleased, as now I have wet shoes. Plus they are also very comfy, as Steve would tell me all the time when he was wearing them to school (by accident ... cough cough ... that excuse only went down the first time). But now I am proud to say I am part of the gang too. If you don't know what I am talking about a picture will be here soon.
Well I am killing time waiting for my ride to arrive, then it is off to camp. Don't know what kind of access I will have whilst there but I will email and blog as much as I can.
Went to the glass floor and walked on it, but it scared me, have to say it, but I took a photo of my feet and someone took a photo of me sitting on the glass so I am proud of myself.
Then I went shopping, I bought myself some Red Crocs and am very pleased, as now I have wet shoes. Plus they are also very comfy, as Steve would tell me all the time when he was wearing them to school (by accident ... cough cough ... that excuse only went down the first time). But now I am proud to say I am part of the gang too. If you don't know what I am talking about a picture will be here soon.
Well I am killing time waiting for my ride to arrive, then it is off to camp. Don't know what kind of access I will have whilst there but I will email and blog as much as I can.
CANADA!!!! The first 40 odd hours ...
Made it!
Well after an 8 hour flight of blokey movies, I watched Ghost Rider and Wild Hogs, and a little curffle in Immigration (just took forever, but the immigration guy was cute and entertaining) I arrived in my hostel at 6pm Monday June 18.
Then I took myself for a walk, a walk of walks it turned out, I was in search of a Maccas for my international Cheeseburger Challenge. So I walked from my hotel too the water, to the main drag of Toronto, up, then back along my hotels street ... was there a Maccas? NO ... I passed 4 subways in the end but no Maccas. Turns out (as I asked) there are zoning laws in regards to unhealthy food and they can' t have too many of them in the one area. And turns out there was one 2 blocks up the side streeet of my hotel ... Damn it! But a cheeseburger I got, and a photo there shall be, when I get access. Back to the room, read and sleep, damn I was tired.
Tuesday, we had our orientation with NYQUEST, finally met the guys I have been emailling the past couple of weeks, they were really nice and talked us through heaps of things and then set off with us, we walked about a 1/3 of what I walked the day before. We went to the bank and set up accounts and got our SIN (equlivant of Tax number) so that we could work. Then back to the hotel and then farewell to Jonathon and Brad.
Then we 3 aussie chicks, who are all going on different camps, all representing 3 of the Eastern States (sorry no tasmanian). Set off in search of Burrito Brothers (recommended from our camp guys) it was pretty good and had heaps of locals in it. Then off for a walk and browse around the shops. We also introduced ourselves to the underground system of Toronto - which is used when its winter and too cold. Well its used in the warm weather as well, there are entire malls and food outlets etc underneath the city. So thats where everyone has been, and I just though no one was here when I got here.
Anyways, whilst down there, we were distracted by a guy making something at a chocolate factory. Turned out to be fudge he was heating and blending ... we watched the entire process which was great, then .... after our dedicated viewing it paid off ... we all got free fudge, which the word divine cannot simply describe. Continued walking underground, we back to Hotel for a arvo break and then off to the Baseball.
Torontos stadium is a 5 min walk from where we are staying, so off went, but before we went to a baseball bar and had an awesome dinner, then off to the Stadium. With the presumption of $2 tickets. Tickets turned out to be $11, that stopped in May (cough cough Brad and Jonathon) but we had an awesome time, sadly the Toronto Bluejays lost to the LA Dodgers.
Today I am off to camp at 1pm, but for now I am going up the CN Tower ... it has a glass floor, hmmmm I'll get back to you with photos of how I went.
Keep reading for my adventures of CAMP WYOKA.
Well after an 8 hour flight of blokey movies, I watched Ghost Rider and Wild Hogs, and a little curffle in Immigration (just took forever, but the immigration guy was cute and entertaining) I arrived in my hostel at 6pm Monday June 18.
Then I took myself for a walk, a walk of walks it turned out, I was in search of a Maccas for my international Cheeseburger Challenge. So I walked from my hotel too the water, to the main drag of Toronto, up, then back along my hotels street ... was there a Maccas? NO ... I passed 4 subways in the end but no Maccas. Turns out (as I asked) there are zoning laws in regards to unhealthy food and they can' t have too many of them in the one area. And turns out there was one 2 blocks up the side streeet of my hotel ... Damn it! But a cheeseburger I got, and a photo there shall be, when I get access. Back to the room, read and sleep, damn I was tired.
Tuesday, we had our orientation with NYQUEST, finally met the guys I have been emailling the past couple of weeks, they were really nice and talked us through heaps of things and then set off with us, we walked about a 1/3 of what I walked the day before. We went to the bank and set up accounts and got our SIN (equlivant of Tax number) so that we could work. Then back to the hotel and then farewell to Jonathon and Brad.
Then we 3 aussie chicks, who are all going on different camps, all representing 3 of the Eastern States (sorry no tasmanian). Set off in search of Burrito Brothers (recommended from our camp guys) it was pretty good and had heaps of locals in it. Then off for a walk and browse around the shops. We also introduced ourselves to the underground system of Toronto - which is used when its winter and too cold. Well its used in the warm weather as well, there are entire malls and food outlets etc underneath the city. So thats where everyone has been, and I just though no one was here when I got here.
Anyways, whilst down there, we were distracted by a guy making something at a chocolate factory. Turned out to be fudge he was heating and blending ... we watched the entire process which was great, then .... after our dedicated viewing it paid off ... we all got free fudge, which the word divine cannot simply describe. Continued walking underground, we back to Hotel for a arvo break and then off to the Baseball.
Torontos stadium is a 5 min walk from where we are staying, so off went, but before we went to a baseball bar and had an awesome dinner, then off to the Stadium. With the presumption of $2 tickets. Tickets turned out to be $11, that stopped in May (cough cough Brad and Jonathon) but we had an awesome time, sadly the Toronto Bluejays lost to the LA Dodgers.
Today I am off to camp at 1pm, but for now I am going up the CN Tower ... it has a glass floor, hmmmm I'll get back to you with photos of how I went.
Keep reading for my adventures of CAMP WYOKA.
Friday, June 15, 2007
My last day of supply ... for a little while

And it has only hit me in the last 5 mins, that I am going to Canada and I am really excited now and can't wait. So I have done the things that I have had to do before I go. I have changed my flight home, and am now coming into Brisbane on Dec 18 at 7am in the morning, so be ready people.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Photos of the past couple of weeks.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Copenhagen, More London and Farewell M & D
Well my world wide trip continues.
I am really starting to notice how much I am actually up to, or have been up to, I can now count the different countries that I have been to on this trip on two hands now, the toes I am sure will be out sooner than I know it.
Last time I update you all, I had been in France with Mum and Dad, maybe a bit more you know after France so I will pick up when we went to Copehagen.
I finally took myself across the River, which is all it basically is to see Nick, Rach and Ella - I have lived here 5 months and it took having vistors to get there, yes I know, I am slack. But we had a fabulous time.
We arrived on Thursday May 31, was picked up by Nick at the airport and drove the short distance to their home. I think it may be just a little further than what I had to drive in Townsville to pick people up, so not far at all. We meet up with Rach and Ella at home, talked for a while and then Nick went back to work. Rach and Ella walked us to a canal where we hopped on a boat tour of the Canals and River of Copenhagen. It was really lovely and we saw heaps, pity that the guy who was telling us what things were, forgot to translate into English for a lot of it, or if he did, it was for a tenth of the time that he spoke about it in Danish. We then went home for a lovely dinner.
Thursday, we took ourselves on a walking tour of the city, which was great, we went to museums, saw Tivoli and walked the main street "Stroget" of Copenhagen. Along the way we saw lots of souvenior shops, the funniest thing I saw was magents of Mary, Fredrick and Christian in their ski clothes. We then went into Royal Copenhagen store (crockery) now I wasn't convinced. But it turned out to be really nice and I actually bought something, only small, but I will still be able to use it when I come home to Aus. We then went into Georg Jensen, another store of notiery of Copes - the Queens choice of Jeweller. And another night with a lovely dinner and a bottle of red.
Saturday, Nick took us for a driving tour of Copes, and we went and saw the Royal Jewels of Copes and their Palace. Which is nothing like Buckingham Palace, where you can't even get within 100m's of the place, here you can practically walk right up to the door, there are guards, and I am sure they would challenge you if you tried. As it was raining by this stage, we decided to ditch the outdoor cookout we had planned and stayed in.
Lucky we did, as there were droves of people out who were going to a football game between Denmark and Sweden. They were everywhere, climbing the statues, drinking in the street and this was all before the game. Now we didn't watch the game but we did happen to flick over the TV in the last minute to see the score. And we were glad we did, a Dane punched a swede in the stomach, the Dane got red carded, a Fan then came out and acosted the Ref, the refs then decided to walk off with 57secs left on the clock. Now as the game was tied, this caused even more chaos. All the people were standing in the stadium and no one knew what was happening, oh to be able to speak the language at that time. But in the end, we worked out that to punish the danish fans, the refs declared the game 3-0 to the Swedes.
An exciting end to our trip in Copes. Sunday we returned to London, to find it sunny. Dad and I went off to Tower Bridge, to go up in it and have a look around. Mum went off to Tate Modern and St Pauls Cathedral. Mum had a great time, as did Dad and I. Dad and I happed to read a sign which said that the bridge was opening in an hour after we were there, so we called mum and got to her come and join us. It was quite cool.
Monday, no work for me, so I joined mum and dad in their last bit of sight seeing, Mum went to West Minster Abbey, we were all going to go, but the cheap tickets ran out the day before, and i was being cheap and didn't want to pay £10. Dad and I went off to Harrods where Mum met up with us an hour or so later. We looked around and found nothing that we wanted, as its all too expensive. Mum bought her Harrods Bag and was very happy.
Tuesday, no work for me again, and Mum and Dads last day. Took them souvenior shopping on Oxford street and off to Picadilly circus. A full day it was, we got back to my house about an hour before they had to catch the train. So we finalised their packing and walked to the train station. It turned out that we got to the train, it was leaving in 2 mins, so a quick goodbye and they were off. It was weird, as it just seemed like because they were hopping on a train, that they would be back soon, but no, they are gone and back in Australia.
Had a good time whilst they were here, despite being cramped at night in my small room as I am sure they will tell you. But it all worked out well and they loved their time here.
Well I am off to Canada to start my job as Assistant Camp Director at Camp Wyoka in Toronto, heres the website http://www.whiteoaksgirlguides.ca/camp/index.php
Tell you more soon.
I am really starting to notice how much I am actually up to, or have been up to, I can now count the different countries that I have been to on this trip on two hands now, the toes I am sure will be out sooner than I know it.
Last time I update you all, I had been in France with Mum and Dad, maybe a bit more you know after France so I will pick up when we went to Copehagen.
I finally took myself across the River, which is all it basically is to see Nick, Rach and Ella - I have lived here 5 months and it took having vistors to get there, yes I know, I am slack. But we had a fabulous time.
We arrived on Thursday May 31, was picked up by Nick at the airport and drove the short distance to their home. I think it may be just a little further than what I had to drive in Townsville to pick people up, so not far at all. We meet up with Rach and Ella at home, talked for a while and then Nick went back to work. Rach and Ella walked us to a canal where we hopped on a boat tour of the Canals and River of Copenhagen. It was really lovely and we saw heaps, pity that the guy who was telling us what things were, forgot to translate into English for a lot of it, or if he did, it was for a tenth of the time that he spoke about it in Danish. We then went home for a lovely dinner.
Thursday, we took ourselves on a walking tour of the city, which was great, we went to museums, saw Tivoli and walked the main street "Stroget" of Copenhagen. Along the way we saw lots of souvenior shops, the funniest thing I saw was magents of Mary, Fredrick and Christian in their ski clothes. We then went into Royal Copenhagen store (crockery) now I wasn't convinced. But it turned out to be really nice and I actually bought something, only small, but I will still be able to use it when I come home to Aus. We then went into Georg Jensen, another store of notiery of Copes - the Queens choice of Jeweller. And another night with a lovely dinner and a bottle of red.
Saturday, Nick took us for a driving tour of Copes, and we went and saw the Royal Jewels of Copes and their Palace. Which is nothing like Buckingham Palace, where you can't even get within 100m's of the place, here you can practically walk right up to the door, there are guards, and I am sure they would challenge you if you tried. As it was raining by this stage, we decided to ditch the outdoor cookout we had planned and stayed in.
Lucky we did, as there were droves of people out who were going to a football game between Denmark and Sweden. They were everywhere, climbing the statues, drinking in the street and this was all before the game. Now we didn't watch the game but we did happen to flick over the TV in the last minute to see the score. And we were glad we did, a Dane punched a swede in the stomach, the Dane got red carded, a Fan then came out and acosted the Ref, the refs then decided to walk off with 57secs left on the clock. Now as the game was tied, this caused even more chaos. All the people were standing in the stadium and no one knew what was happening, oh to be able to speak the language at that time. But in the end, we worked out that to punish the danish fans, the refs declared the game 3-0 to the Swedes.
An exciting end to our trip in Copes. Sunday we returned to London, to find it sunny. Dad and I went off to Tower Bridge, to go up in it and have a look around. Mum went off to Tate Modern and St Pauls Cathedral. Mum had a great time, as did Dad and I. Dad and I happed to read a sign which said that the bridge was opening in an hour after we were there, so we called mum and got to her come and join us. It was quite cool.
Monday, no work for me, so I joined mum and dad in their last bit of sight seeing, Mum went to West Minster Abbey, we were all going to go, but the cheap tickets ran out the day before, and i was being cheap and didn't want to pay £10. Dad and I went off to Harrods where Mum met up with us an hour or so later. We looked around and found nothing that we wanted, as its all too expensive. Mum bought her Harrods Bag and was very happy.
Tuesday, no work for me again, and Mum and Dads last day. Took them souvenior shopping on Oxford street and off to Picadilly circus. A full day it was, we got back to my house about an hour before they had to catch the train. So we finalised their packing and walked to the train station. It turned out that we got to the train, it was leaving in 2 mins, so a quick goodbye and they were off. It was weird, as it just seemed like because they were hopping on a train, that they would be back soon, but no, they are gone and back in Australia.
Had a good time whilst they were here, despite being cramped at night in my small room as I am sure they will tell you. But it all worked out well and they loved their time here.
Well I am off to Canada to start my job as Assistant Camp Director at Camp Wyoka in Toronto, heres the website http://www.whiteoaksgirlguides.ca/camp/index.php
Tell you more soon.
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