What do you do to keep yourself occupied? Play on the net you say, meh already done it. Talk on msn to your friends across the world, was doing it and well we ran out of things to say. Then you see the marshmallows sitting in the basket across from you and you start throwing them at the other person in the office. Its a very soothing way to bide your time. We then realised that maybe we should take it out of the office when 1. The repair man came back in rolling his eyes at us, and 2. When you have to lean behind the photocopier to retrive your ammo.
Outside we went, and blasted eachother with marshmallows, and then did the olden day 10 paces and shoot (10 paces is a long way, by the way).
It was good fun, bided the time and enjoyed ourselves throughly. Now I know why, when we saw a Marshmallow launcher the other day, why it was so apealing.
Went to the bank and came back ... accidentally fell into the lake to push Chatter, one of the other redshirts out of a kayak.
The marshmallow fun continued on everynow and then for the rest of the afternoon, until I decided to throw one at Nutz, and she came our chasing me and squished it in my ear. Not a fun feeling if you ever discover it.
At dinner time, the fun continued, I mucked around with Bigfoot and Wave, by bumping their hand into their face when they were eating Banana Cake ... it was innocent and they didn't get much on their face. But the second piece that Bigfoot had, well ... I bumped her hand again, Volley came in and pushed it harder whilst Wave completed it by rubbing the cake all over her face and glasses. We are laughing so hard we couldn't see. Bigfoot is a trooper and took it really well, she even finsihed eating her cake off her face.
Later on, I got a call to go and get Angel (a redshirt) from our 4 day canoe trip, this ended in another trip to the hospital. I ended up getting back into camp at approximately 10pm at night.
I was winding down for the night, talking to a couple of redshirts (Boom, Jabbers, Felix, Nutz) in york. We played a little prank on their campers as they were all being slobs, and hadn't put any of their shoes away. So I used a trick from school camp, thanks Nikki Bairstow, we took each of their left shoes and put them in a line outside. (I am told that this morning it was an absolute riot of a laugh when all of them were looking for their shoes).
So, back to my day, at around midnight I got a home call from Davinci on Juniper.
Davinci could hear human howling from a mans voice (strange as their are no men on site) and apples were being thrown at the tents. So down we went all of us in York in the camp car, to try and ward off the intruders. It didn't particuarly work, even after I turned on my teacher voice telling them that we had already called the police. So in I went to call the police.
The police arrived, and I got to ride around in one of the two cars that arrived circling camp to scare off the people who were in the bushes. In the end the police left (without catching anyone, the ran I am sure as soon as they saw we actually had the police there) at 1:15am then off to bed I went.
A day which was very bizzare in the end.