Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Petition for Chocolate Sundaes ...


What are you doing!

Ok, so the story goes that ages ago (in May when Mum and Dad were here) I went to order a Chocolate Sundae from Maccas and they didn't serve them. I thought weird, but ok, its just one Maccas.

But, I have slowly been to see the world more and more and more I am testing my theory and McDonalds across the world are no longer serving Chocolate Sundaes. Sure they offer, Strawberry, Caramel and Toffee (aren't the last two basically the same??) BUT!!! No chocolate. I swear it is all a scheme, so that the chocolate sundae lovers of the world have to buy a McFlurry.

But, I did manage to get 1 chocolate sundae in Scotland. Alex will tell a story that I begged and pleaded the guy to use the Chocolate Sauce from the McFlurry's. The story is, is that I convinced him, and he obliged willingly. Other story about this McDonalds in Forfar Scotland, is that it was the only one which we found on the side of the road, luckily we did as it was 7:30pm at night and we hadn't eaten since breakfast.

So McDonalds Australia ... please still be serving Chocolate sundaes! And if they aren't, heaven help me.

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