Saturday, March 31, 2007

Pictures of my travels


These are way over due and should go into the actual blog, but its all too much effort now ... so now you get a montage.

1000 yr old church in Dublin, Biggest Free Standing Celtic Cross, Castle ruins, The city of Derry

Giants causeway from above and beside, McDonnell Castle (its slipping into the sea)

Sights from a photo stop in Ireland ...

The houses of Lower Shankill and their painted walls, guy with guy follows you round the area

Signing the "Peace Wall" which seperates the relgious areas of Belfast, and my little bit

Guiness Factory - first pint ever ... and outside the factory

So thats my overdue Ireland photos, hope you enjoyed ...

1 comment:

Alex said...

Hey dude,

Great piccies. Hope you are feeling better soon.

Cheers big ears,